MIP Blog - Canada

08 Mar

Celebrating International Women's Day - #BreakTheBias

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They are our mothers, our daughters, our grandmothers, our granddaughters, our friends, our doctors, our nurses, our neighbours. Women represent half of the world population, yet they continue to fight for equality. 

At MIP, we are committed to ensuring a workplace free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. This International Women's day, we stand firm in our belief that women everywhere deserve fairness, equality, parity and respect! It's time to #BreakTheBias everywhere!

We are proud of the work, the contributions and the leadership that our female MIPers provide everyday! Without them, their strength and their skills, MIP would not be the company it is today! 

To celebrate and support the women of MIP, and women around the world, MIPers from across the globe shared their #BreakTheBias pose, along with some powerful quotes and stories, which you can see in the following video, or read below.




"I support gender equality in honor of the women who struggled before us, those of us living with bias today and for our daughters of tomorrow."

- Maria Owens


"As a proud father of three amazing young women and grandfather of two wonderful young girls, my hope for the upcoming generations of women is that they are included in conversations and decision making at the highest levels and on par with men. The world will be better place when women take on more and more influential and powerful positions, both in the public and private sector."

- Tor Lund


"Why does there have to be right or wrong?  Why does ranks in level of power, gender, or race exist and most of all why can’t the world and everything in it be treated equal?  It has always astounded me on the political differences that have defined the world.  I have never understood why men receive privileges or are treated superior to woman.  Women are strong, successful, and as capable as any man.  Take Harriet Tubman for instance, a woman who was very vulnerable during her time in both rank and race.  Did she sit on the sidelines contemplating the consequences of men vs women, no she persevered with confidence to do what she felt was right by freeing others.  This is what successful women are capable of and there are many more like her, so I ask the question “Why does gender equity exist?”  I stand strong in supporting International Women’s Day.  Every woman should have the same opportunities as any man, regardless.  Gender equity should not be defining the world or anyone in it.  I am proud to be a Woman!"

- Heather Brier


"Égalité - Respect – Liberté"

- Monica Cyr


"I stand next to my women colleagues, past, present and future! May they always get the same opportunities as men had and have access."

- Gabriel Boardman


“Girls should grow within a society that empowers them to be their best not to be subjected to lesser roles of what they can achieve."

- Anira Figueroa


"As a proud father of 3 incredible young women, I want them to be able to pursue their dreams and career aspirations without gender biases or stereotypes getting in their way."

- Nilton Pacheco


"Ich möchte nicht immer das sein, was andere von mir erwarten.

Wir sind jetzt eine neue Generation und es ist Zeit Veränderung zu schaffen."


"I don't want to be what others expect of me.

We are now a new generation and it’s time to change."

- Lily Van


"We are more than a suffix!

To be noticed through an exaggerated use of the female suffix in German for me is the worst option make feel women included. We already passed this point long time ago and now the focus comes back to a misunderstood emancipation and a misunderstood feminism.

Not only that our beautiful language is losing its charm, it’s giving the society once again this angle of view asking why women need this kind of instrument to be perceived.

Supporting, inspiring and strengthen each other, a community of wonderful females will grow, with equal chances in every field and without gender biases and “suffix reminder”.

I really like to be woman, wishing a Happy International Women’s day to all the fantastic Girlz out there!"

- Linda Kuhlke


"Ich bin oft schockiert, wie sehr man heute noch auf das Geschlecht reduziert wird.

Als working mum werde ich oft nicht ernst genommen oder werde häufig gefragt „und was ist mit den Kindern und deren Betreuung?“

– meinen Mann frägt das niemand. Nie. WARUM?"

- Franziska Zeller


"In Solidarity we stand.

We can break the bias in our workplace.

The world needs strong women who will lift and build others.

Who will love and be loved.

Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce; women of indomitable will."

- From Production, Shipping, Cutting, & Office employees

"Every single woman deserves the same rights, opportunities and respect as a man. It’s about damn time we help break the bias! I vow to support and fight for equality, equity and inclusivity!"

 - Nir Guzinski


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller


“I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world.”

- Malala



From all of us at MIP Inc, Happy International Women's day!



Categories: Company News, MIP, International Women's Day

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